the world

Photo Baptiste retenue NB
Empowering entrepreneurs to change the agro-ecological and food world.

Baptiste Gormand

Food Executive Director

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Our goal : nurturing new leaders within and through our exceptional and entrepreneurial ecosystem

Bertrand Boré


Thomas Breuvart
Creadev has a strong singularity in the support we provide to entrepreneurs

Thomas Breuvart

Investment Director

Charles Francois
We help accelerate companies' growth to build the future champions of a sustainable economy

Charles François

Investment & Portfolio Director

calire bothorel
Supporting ambitious entrepreneurs to create a sustainable future for all

Claire Bothorel

Investment Associate


Clément Cazaux

Investment Analyst

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Sustainably support our businesses and help make the world of tomorrow frugal

Julien Cuvelier

Investment Director

Eléonore Folliot
I am proud to support sustainable innovations and work hands in hands with our entrepreneurs

Eléonore Folliot

Investment Analyst

Photo Elise NB
Working hand in hand with entrepreneurs to build sustainable Pan-African companies

Élise Lamé

Operating & ESG Manager

Pierre Fauvet
Supporting sustainable growth of next panAfrican champions

Pierre Fauvet

Managing Director Creadev Africa

Yohann Gbahoué
Creating value and positively impacting the economy and society of tomorrow

Yohann Gbahoué

Healthcare Managing Director

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Working closely with entrepreneurs to change the food system for the better

Héloïse Mangin

Investment Analyst

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Isabelle Cousteau

Chief Legal Officer

Photo Joel Retenue NB
Creadev is where my passion for food meets my hope for a more equitable world.

Joël Filippi

Managing Director USA

Noir & blanc
Contributing to the emergence of a climate resilient economy

Joseph Seiglan

Climate Analyst

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Creating sustainable value is at the heart of everything we do.

Julien Hombreux

Transformation & Performance Director

JUstine photo retenue NB
Supporting entrepreneurs committed to the preservation of future generations and the planet over the long term.

Justine Brusson

Investment Associate

Creadev Snapshot - Nelson Kanyu. noir x blanc (2)
We support entrepreneurs who provide sustainable solutions that impact the greater society.

Nelson Kanyu

Investment Associate

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The pursuit of sustainable excellence guides every one of our initiatives.

Kenza Benzekri

Investment Analyst

Supporting everyday entrepreneurs for a more sustainable world

Kevin Lim

Investment Analyst

Janvier Noir & Blanc
Thrilled to be part of Creadev’s journey to invest in promising Food and AgTech companies to revolutionize the way we feed people

Alexia Lingart

Investment Associate

Photo Loreine Noir & blanc
Supporting sustainable-innovators with a vision to serve the many.

Loreine Ngolobe

Investment Associate

Noir & Blanc
Engage in the evolving world of healthcare by providing ongoing support to committed and innovative entrepreneurs

Louise Naudin

Healthcare Analyst

New Noir & Blanc
Supporting entrepreneurs who dare to transform our healthcare systems

Marc Chipot

Investment & Portfolio Director

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Maud Lehman

Climate Managing Director

Proud to contribute to Creadev's mission of reshaping the future of food with sustainability and equity

Naomi Zimmermann

Investment Analyst

Photo Olivia NB
Make our teams & entrepreneurs growing to achieve personal and professional goals

Olivia Mikol

People & Communication Manager

Oscar pic
Proud to be part of a company driven by strong core values, with a daring mindset and long term goals

Oscar Emprin

Financial Controller

Noir & Blanc
Sustainable investment is a good way to ensure long-term profitability

Quentin Chassagne

Administration and Financial Manager

Creadev's mission is particularly challenging: to create meaning and value

Brieuc Sartorius

Investment Director

Théodore NB retenue
Through impact investing, we aim to improve lives by supporting food systems that are affordable, sustainable and viable

Théodore Pang

Investment & Development Manager

Photo Tom Noir & blanc
Support the emergence of a new generation of African entrepreneurs.

Tom Rostand

Investment Director

At Creadev, the time of the company takes precedence over the time of the shareholder

Chantal Toulas


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Our Offices


7th Floor,
The Pavilion,
Westlands, Nairobi
+254 739 380 091


Decathlon Data Lab,
220 Stadium Boulevard,
#01-01 Singapore 397803.
+65 6225 4773


12, Avenue de la Grande Armée
75017 Paris
+33 (0)1 81 90 10 02


1460 Broadway
New York, NY 10036